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Best view in IE Photobucket

Saturday, November 15, 2008

2day finaly can go shopin wif frenz le~
kakaz....yi qian oways is plan al le, then las minute cancel, haiz....duno y 2day so heng, al ppl can go
i met new fren jor .....hahax, tat girl v preeti n ke ai oso~
walk lai walk qu finaly can rest @ coffee bean le, then all ppl yi zi bu duan de take pic ...walao, my hp memory bao zha lo.....kakaz
then go GMAX c dao yi ge cao ke ai d boy.....walao, i c dao tat boy like high jor gam,hahax =='''lolx
then lepak gain, n c dao the jian po d jie jie, xia xii mi, xing hao tat jian po no gt go.....
then we al go i collection n you take pic gain...lolx
then walk bak parkson n ply arcade gain....hot xii, mi n chelle n sharon al like sapo game ply basketball lolx....duno how to ply then all luan luan throw...kakaz
after tat jiu bak loo chelle d parent brin mi bak......her parent so gao xiao d, i think she v xin fu cos her parents dou dui ta so gud....kakaz
n then jiu bak home le.....n then jiu type tis blog, kakaz

writtern @1:59 AM

I wanna b sixteen
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i wana b sixteen bcos @ tat age, i can do a lot of thin...haiz
my mumy n dady r nt fair, they oways let my didi go anywhere wif his fren, n mii , oways oni can stay @ home..........it is reali nt fair......haiz.....Y??Y?? WHY??????????????????????????
arghhh....even 'he' oso think i m stil smal....haiz......tis is nt fair, it is nt tat i wana b tis age, lolx..
haiz haiz haiz

writtern @5:35 AM

Jun 4th, never forget tat day
Saturday, November 1, 2008

i mis tat day a lot
even if i cant change wad had hapen nw, bt i wil stil b v hapi, cos hav tis gud memories wif u,duno y suddenly wil think til tat day, haiz, so many thing had change nw even our lov had change, hope u stil wil b v hapi without mii.......

writtern @7:16 AM

for a special fren~


dun like tis wor~cnt fang qi, u yi qian edy work v hard le, then cnt so esy fang qi, zi dao ma?? i wil oways zi chi u d +u+ukakaz


writtern @2:24 AM


21点 红点 stress 黑白棋 我在学校的娱乐

~i hate my skul d prefert, all lo joi xii~

~oways sou sou sou, so bad d~

~skul so borin, ply game oso canot, haiz~

~hate them, hate them all~


~i oso wana b prefect, cos like tat can help my 好朋友们~


writtern @12:17 AM